Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Our Stand on Equipment

   We recently got on to the topic of tactical gear, and we wanted to put a few things out to explain our point of view, and why we see gear the way we do. As we have said before, both of us here at Dragoon Solutions are former US Army soldiers. That gives us both an affinity towards the latest and greatest "sexy" gear, MOLLE, multicam, and all other things tactical. However, we also understand that the mission drives the equipment. You won't see us on a mock bug out wearing plate carriers and kevlars, because even though we love tactical gear, we aren't planning on going to war. We also both have experience in the medical field, both military and civilian, and that translates into our equipment and preparedness plans. Our IFAKs and medical kits are probably going to be more complex than the average person.

    To the point we, the Dragoons, are preparing for any situation in which our every day way of life may be compromised. The definition of survival is "The state or fact of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances." The definition of preparedness is "A state of readiness." Dragoon Solutions always seeks to continue to live in a state of readiness, whether or not there is an accident, ordeal or difficult circumstance. In other words, we are preparing from your most basic natural disaster (Yellow Situation, see the Dragoon Disaster Scale) or a full Black Situation. With that said, we generally hold no opinion on what may cause the situation, just that it MAY happen. We assess our threats, and continue to prepare, and the gear and supplies we procure are based on our mission, experience and knowledge.

    No matter the situation you are preparing for, put your money and time into the training and gear that will help you prevail in that situation. No matter what, remember that all the gear in the world won't save you if you don't have the will and knowledge to prevail. Work on your mindset and skillsets first, gear always comes second.



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