It wasn't long ago that I was completely unaware that essential oils existed. I first learned about them from one of the nurse practitioners (we will just call him Doc) that I work with, and to be honest, I thought that it was a bunch of new age, hippie voodoo at first. I mean, what could be better then our well-educated doctors? Some time later, I wound up with an aggressive cold and Doc suggested that I take some Oregano oil. Nothing else was working so I gave it a shot. Within a few days my cold had significantly diminished. I should have been sold then, but I'm a skeptic!
Being slightly interested but still skeptical, I started looking into Young Living, which was the brand of oils that Doc insisted that I get. Gary Young is the founder of this company, so I started with him. At the surface I didn't like what I was reading. There were a lot of articles about him being a fake and even some about legal issues he had been having. Now, I trust Doc and value his opinion, so I dug deeper. I started learning that the legal issues that Mr. Young had never amounted to anything and that there were some universities and hospitals that recently incorporated his brand of oils into some of their treatments.
Looking a bit further I found that there are many other companies out there that make essential oils, so what made Young Living so special and why had Doc insisted that I go with them? Well, with some more digging I found out that these other companies use synthetic products in their "essential oils". This is a problem because, with the exception of smelling good, the oils are useless.